Getting Started

Here you will learn step by step how to set up your own 2log instance.


2log is a free OpenSource project that can be used freely and without charge under the terms of the GPL v.3/ AGPL v.3. This means that the authors of do not accept any liability for any damage or infringement of valid rights caused by the use of


In order to operate 2log, certain technical requirements must be met.

Server and Network

To run your own 2log instance, a Docker-enabled computer with x86-64 architecture is recommended. Since 2log is implemented in a very resource-efficient way, a headless Linux server with a 1.4GHz dual core and 4GB memory is sufficient.

The 2log hardware components communicate with the server via WiFi. Accordingly, the server and the IoT devices must be able to reach each other over a 2.4GHz network.

For the operation of 2log the server must be able to send e-mails. For this purpose, an SMTP mail server is required.

Machines and devices

Since the 2log Switch controls access to the devices by connecting and disconnecting power, it is important to ensure that all connected machines can handle this. Since 2log detects via power consumption whether the machine is in stand-by mode or actually working, it is ensured that a machine is never switched off from operation.

Depending on the smart sockets used for the 2log switches, it must be ensured that the machines do not draw more current than is supported by the connectors.

Setup the Server Application

Learn how to set up a 2log instance

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