2log is a free community management system for workshops, fablabs, maker- and hackerspaces.
It is a modular hardware and software solution that digitally links machines, users and processes and makes them remotely trackable. Each device with a power cable - from the laser cutter to the coffee machine - can be connected to your 2log instance with the 2log Switch within a few minutes.
Your advantages:
- Protect the machines from unauthorized use thanks to individual usage authorizations.
- Bill machine run time either as a flat rate or by the second based on time of use.
- Transfer your existing machinery to 2log. No changes to the machines are necessary - the manufacturer‘s warranty for the equipment is retained.
- Reduce your power consumption. Unused machines switch off automatically.
- Receive statistics on the use of your machines. With 2log you can monitor the load in real time. You can see at any time who has been working on which machine when and where.
- Use the 2log admin app or the web platform to always have a full overview of the processes in your workshop.
- Integrate 2log into your existing systems (e.g. CoBot).
- Bill products like coffee or snacks with a self service terminal.
- Easy authentication via RFID cards or with with the 2log App by scanning QR Codes.
How it works
In order to integrate a machine into 2log, no structural changes need to be made. The 2log switch is simply plugged between the power plug of the machine and the socket. The setup process is so simple that you can easily do it yourself in minutes.
Where should I go next?
- Getting Started: Get started with 2log.io